Jamie Ryan
Jan 19, 2022


- The radio buttons there are just fine here - this isn't as clear cut as more than 4 items. It is entirely based on context of choice. Amazon don't use a dropdown when presenting multiple selections but they do use panels which help display the various choices with their respective prices.

- Users don't care about the tiny details in something like those shadows - it's a UI detail that is a vanity exercise. This is the harsh reality, and you'll easily verify this with testing. The content matters most.

- The image choice is entirely subjective - one would argue a 'real' view will be more relatable than a sterile render.

- using an actual email as the inline hint is too explicit, it will confuse users into thinking it's pre-filled.

Thanks for the tips!



Jamie Ryan
Jamie Ryan

Written by Jamie Ryan

Design writing. Loves bad design, hates sub-par coffee..

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